Friday 19 September 2014

Ice Bucket Challenge

Today in Biology 30 we experimented with factors that influence enzyme action rate. In this test we are seen placing our hands in an ice cold bucket of water for 1 minute before attempting to break 10 toothpicks. In this activity, the toothpicks are the substrate and our hands are the enzymes. Temperature is one of the three factors we tested.

Thursday 18 September 2014

Complementary and Alternative Medicine

We concluded our study of different health care philosophies today by enjoying a class of yoga. Yoga is an ancient practice that focuses on the mind and body by working with one's pranayama (or breath) while holding different asanas (or poses). Yoga is an example of complementary and alternative medicine. Here are some pictures of today's class.

Thursday 11 September 2014

Medicine Man, Hugh Lerat, Visits HS 20

It was a real pleasure to have Elder Hugh Lerat speak to our Health Science 20 class. Hugh is a Cree Indian from Cowessess First Nation who has been praticing Indigenous Medicine for many years. Taught by his Grandma, Hugh shared with our class many stories about his culture's rituals. This included the Sweat Lodge, the Sun Dance, and the Pipe Ceremony. He also packed with him many of his medicines for us to see. Here are some of the photos from today's class.

Tuesday 9 September 2014

Egg Salad Anyone?

Today in Science 10 we demonstrated the scientific method. We tested whether or not it would be possible to suck a shelled hard boiled egg into a narrow neck flask without damaging it. Proving more difficult than years past, all groups were able to get the egg into the flask (some groups by pushing the egg). No groups were able to do it without damaging the egg, which forces me to ask, if anyone wants egg salad. Here are some pictures of our experiment.
We had more success expelling the contents using vinegar and baking soda!