Saturday 28 December 2013

Do you waste water?

Just a reminder Grade 10's that you need to collect data on your family's water usage any two days over the Christmas holidays. We will use this data to complete the "Do you waste water?" LAB when we return to school in the new year. Enjoy this next week of holidays. See you back on Monday January 6th,2014!

Monday 9 December 2013

A Perfect Flower

Today in Biology 20 we dissected a perfect flower....not perfect in that it looked beautiful and smelled delicious, but perfect in that it was a flower that contained both male and female reproductive organs. We spent time identifying, drawing and labeling all four whorls of flower parts and tomorrow will look at the pollen grains using a light compound microscope. You can see our work below.

Friday 6 December 2013

Deadly Links!

Today in Science 10 we began investigating how other "things" besides energy flow through an ecosystem. To learn about biomagnification, we became a new organism---a grasshopper, a shrew, or a hawk, and simulated a food chain. The grasshoppers fed on the corn fields (pipe cleaner pieces), the shrews fed on the grasshoppers, and the hawks fed on the shrews. Unknowingly the white pipe cleaner pieces were sprayed with a pesticide. The pesticide moved through the food chain becoming concentrated in the top consumer. Here are some pictures of our Deadly Links Game.