Thursday 20 October 2016

Strawberry DNA Extraction

In Science 9 we have been learning about DNA and after all that talk we just had to see it. This lead us to a simple DNA extraction lab that yielded an incredible amount of DNA. Strawberries were an excellent fruit to use as they are octoploid. This means they have 8 sets of chromosomes. For comparison, we only have two sets! The DNA is the white thread-like material in the photos below.

Friday 14 October 2016

Gummy Bear Osmosis

In Biology 30 we have been studying how cells can maintain a stable internal environment. This lead to an investigation of passive and active transport. To illustrate osmosis we created a Gummy Bear Osmosis lab where we essentially placed gummy bears into different solutions to see whether or not osmosis would occur. In doing so, we discovered that Vinegar, 7-Up, Tap Water, and the Baking Soda solution were hypotonic and caused the bear to swell. In some cases, quite extensively going from 2 grams to 9 grams! The rubbing alcohol was hypertonic and the pancake syrup was isotonic. Check out some of our lab results below.

Decomposition of Hydrogen Peroxide

Today in Science 9 we performed a lab about Chemical Changes. Using hydrogen peroxide and both liver and potato we were able to observe the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide. This chemical reaction yielded oxygen gas and water...hence the overflowing text tubes. Note to self next time, remember to use larger test tubes. An extra bonus today was the simple fact that we got to wear our new safety goggles. Don't they look great?